Biogeographical Process in the Marine Areas

In previous times, the biogeographical process covered both land and sea areas, but in 2022 the terrestrial and marine elements were split, and a new biogeographical process in the marine regions was formed. The marine project was launched with an introductory seminar in December 2021, followed by the Atlantic and Macaronesian seminar in October 2023, the Baltic seminar in November 2023 and the Mediterranean seminar in France in March 2024. There were also networking events taking place. The marine process ended in April 2024. 

Documents related to the previous marine seminars (2015 and 2018) can be found here.

Marine Roadmap

The marine process functions in the same way as the terrestrial biogeographical process, undertaking assessments of the pledges made by Member States as Europe works towards the protected area and non-deterioration targets under the Biodiversity Strategy for 2030. To assist Member States with reaching these targets, the marine process will organise seminars and assist with networking events. These actions will contribute towards the marine roadmaps.

Marine Roadmap (draft)

The marine introductory seminar took place on 9-10 December 2021

The introductory seminar addressed all biogeographical regions, focusing in particular on the pledge and review process for the protected area targets and habitats and species status improvement targets in the frame of the EU’s biodiversity strategy. During the seminar, the guidance, criteria and format for the pledges was explained.

Presentations from the event can be found here.

Seminar Programme

Discussion Topics: Introductory Seminar, 9-10 December 2021

Seminar Report

The following seminars are the most recent marine seminars, and all related documents can be found via the links below

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