Biogeographical Process in the Terrestrial Areas

In previous times, the biogeographical process covered both land and sea areas, but in 2022 the terrestrial and marine elements were split, and a new biogeographical process in the marine regions was formed. Under the new marine process, three biogeographical seminars were held: Atlantic and Macaronesia, Baltic, and Mediterranean and Black Sea. There were also several networking events. The marine process ended in April 2024. 

The terrestrial project was launched with an introductory seminar in December 2021. In total, there will be six terrestrial seminars. The Atlantic seminar was held in Hannover, Germany, in September 2023, the Boreal seminar was held in Finland during October 2023, the Macaronesia seminar was held in The Azores during November 2023, and the Mediterranean seminar took place in April 2024. The Continental seminar will take place in Prague this June.

There is also scope for networking events to take place.

All relevant news and updates on the biogeographical process will be shared in the newsletter and updated on this wiki. There is also a dedicated TwitterFor all enquiries and comments related to the biogeographical process in the terrestrial regions, please contact 

Documents related to the previous seminars (2012 to 2021) can be found here.

Introductory Terrestrial Seminar, 14-15 December 2021

The introductory seminar addressed all biogeographical regions, focusing in particular on the pledge and review process for the protected area targets and habitats and species status improvement targets in the frame of the EU’s biodiversity strategy. During the seminar, the guidance, criteria and format for the pledges was explained.

Presentations from the event can be found here

Report: Introductory Seminar, Dec 2021

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